
Dr. Yanglong Lu
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Email: maeylu@ust.hk
Ph.D. : Georgia Institute of Technology
B.S. :Georgia Institute of Technology
Postdoctoral scholars and RAs:

Xin Zhang
Postdoctoral scholar, MAE, (2023. 09 – )
Ph.D. :Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Research Interest: Fault diagnosis with deep learning
Email: xinzhang_cn@hust.edu.cn

Jian Wang
Research assistant, MAE, (2024. 01 – )
M.S. :Lanzhou University
Research Interest: Machine fault diagnosis in metal additive manufacturing
Email: jianwang20@lzu.edu.cn
Graduate students:

Tong Zhu
Ph.D. student, MAE, (2023. 01 – )
M.S. :Chongqing University
Research Interest: Modeling and simulation of biomechanics; Physics-informed machine learning
Email: tzhuaf@connect.ust.hk

Longye Pan
Ph.D. student, MAE, (2023. 01 – )
M.S. :Shandong University
Research Interest: Physics-contrained dictionary learning; Additive manufacturing process monitoring
Email: lpanam@connect.ust.hk

Bin Dong
Ph.D. student, MAE, (2023. 09 – )
M.S. :University of Science and Technology of China
Research Interest: Periodic surface modeling and topology optimization in bioprinting
Email: bdongac@connect.ust.hk

Xi Yin
Ph.D. student, MAE, (2024. 01 – )
M.S. :Hohai University
Research Interest: Biomaterial synthesis and development of bioprinting platform
Email: mexiy@ust.hk

Chun Sze Yeung
MPhil student, MAE, (2023. 09 – )
B.S. : The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Research Interest: Prediction of failure and temperature history in gas turbine
Email: chunszeyeung@gmail.com
MSc independent project students:
Jingxiang Yang, MSc student, MAE, (2023.9 -)
Yuyang Mao, MSc student, MAE, (2023.9 -2024.5)
Duo Yu, MSc student, MAE, (2023.1 -2023.12)
Kexin Li, MSc student, MAE, (2023.1 -2023.12)
Shiqing Su, MSc student, MAE, (2023.1 -2023.9)